




UI Design | Development


Ertugrul Selvi



The Challenge

The challenge was to create a website which emphasizes the very first self shooting studio in Hanover, Lowe Saxony. The website should be able to explain what the studio is and how it works in an easy to understand way. It should also be able to convince people to come and try it out.

The Goal

The goal of the company is to expand throughout Germany and to continue to grow in popularity. The self-shooting trend is already present in South-Korea. The CEO of Selvportrait believes Germany could also like it as much as the trend setter.

The Process

The landing page was quite easy except the infinite slider on the hero section. This took a while to create smoothy with CSS and JS. Despite that a simple static HTML page. Different was the case with the gift voucher page. I had to implement a shopping feature with snipcart. Quite a hussle but still the best case for a very small webhop

The Conclusion

An experience-rich commission from a customer who once again trained and developed me in designing and programming. I have worked with this customer before and he were always supportive and friendly. I know that I can always rely on him to help me improve my skills with his projects.

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