Peace be upon you

My name is Adam Hasmagomadov and I currently live in Hanover, Germany. I'm 25 years old, and I'm designing since 6 years and coding since 3 years now. In the bib college Hannover I have completed my apprenticeship as a media designer specialized in print and web. Besides Design and Coding, I also like cats, even when they always sit on my keyboard.

ExperienceExperience Design

User Experiecne Design is one of the two main focuses of my work. In my opinion, UX is the most important part of a product. It doesn't matter how pretty the design is, if the user doesn't understand how to use it. I always try to make my designs as intuitive as possible.

ExperienceWeb Development

It started by telling myself "I need to know the basics of web development". I never wanted to be a web developer. I hated it. But I realized that the code influences the user experience by a lot. That's why I'm doing both, design and coding.To create the best possible user experience.

CMSAPI IntegrationREST APIGraphQLGitHub


Montary Agency

Graphic Designer & Frontend Developer

2021 - Present


Experience Designer & Frontend Developer

2019 - Present

HAWK Hildesheim

Bachelor Design (discontinued)

2020 - 2020

bib international college

apprenticeship as a media designer

2016 - 2019

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